Student Organization

We, the students of The Law School of Zanzibar, do hereby establish the Law School Student Organization for the primary purpose of representing our interests within the LSZ community.

The official name for this organization is Law School of Zanzibar Student Organization (hereinafter to be known as ZALSSO).

This organization will use the name or its acronym, ZALSSO, in all publicity materials and correspondence.


  1. The purpose of this organization is to explore and promote academic and career issues related to the field
  2. The primary and most important purpose is to advocate for the interests of the students to the school, administration, and others whose decisions affect students at ZALSSO.
  3. Students organization shall have these additional functions:
    1. To organize and provide services to the student body, to the extent that those services are not provided by ZALSSO.
    2. To organize events that promotes campus-wide community-building.
  4. To oversee the formation of student groups at ZALSSO.


ZALSSO should strive to adhere to the following principles. Though not formal mandates, these principles arise out of the circumstances that led to the establishment of this new Constitution, and have informed its design. Where there is ambiguity in this Constitution, it should be interpreted in accordance with these principles.

  1. The primary role of ZALSSO is to advocate for the best interests of the students. In no case should it make decisions on the basis of the individual interests of its representatives and officers.
  2. ZALSSO should strive to maintain an up-to-date and accurate perspective on the opinions of the students. This means conducting regular surveys and maintaining open channels of communication.
  3. Independence the organization is independent from the Law school administration. When the administration changes a policy – either explicitly or through its behavior – that affects the students, the organization should investigate the student opinions and resist the change if appropriate.
  4. Minimal structure and operation by consensus, ZALSSO should operate with the minimum amount of structure and procedure required to fulfill its purposes, and should strive to act by consensus. Parliamentary procedure if it required and frequent internal votes risk focusing attention toward internal governance and away from the core mission of ZALSSO, a lack of consensus within ZALSSO on an important issue, is an indication that the students should be asked directly for its opinion.